Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the topic headings to read answers to questions in that section. Have a question and cannot find the answer online? Contact our Tech Support department.
General FAQs
PowerScout™ Series
RoCoil TCA-5
DATApro (discontinued)
Software & Communications
Software / Communications FAQs
Can I order the communication cables separately?
The ELITEpro XC and PowerScout meters communicate through a standard USB (A to B) cable which can be found at any office supply store. In addition, the ELITEpro XC is supplied with one USB cable. The SMARTloggers require a proprietary cable which can be obtained through DENT Instruments. Contact us for ordering information.
Do I need software, and does it have to be ordered separately?
Yes, software is used to program and start the PRO series (ELOG™ software) and SMARTlogger™ (SMARTware™ software) series instruments, in addition to retrieving and analyzing the collected data. Current versions of DENT software can be found on the Software Downloads page.
How do I scale the graphs to suit my purposes in the software?
You can scale the graphs in ELOG by double clicking on the Y or X axis. Data can also be exported to Excel® for further manipulation and graphing.
How do I zoom-in when working with ELOG software?
Simply position the mouse pointer near the area to be zoomed. Hold the Control (Ctrl) key and left mouse button down at the same time, then drag the pointer to make a rectangle that covers the area to be zoomed. Let go of the mouse and Control Key and the graph will redraw a zoomed portion of the graph. The graph may be zoomed as many times as desired. Use the View > UnZoom (Ctrl U), or the key to unzoom, to zoom out again.
How will I know if I have sufficient memory to complete my study (ELITEpro/DATApro/ELITEpro XC/SP)?
The first page of the Setup Table automatically calculates memory capacity allowing the user to do “what-ifs.” For example, if you adjust the recording interval, type of service, and recording flags, the Memory Capacity estimate will be updated in real-time.
Is the software the same for all the SMARTloggers™?
Yes, the SMARTware™ software is used for all SMARTlogger™ instruments.
Once I have the data, can I export it to a spreadsheet?
Yes, data can easily be exported as a CSV file to spreadsheet programs like Excel®.
The “Total Usage (channel 5) KWh” reported in the Data File Summary does not exactly match the individual channel 5 KWh “Total” number–why?
The “Total Usage (channel 5)” value is only updated once per minute. If your integration period is set to less than one minute, channel 5 KWh “Total” column will aquire data that has not been added to the “Total Usage (channel 5)” value. (For example, if your logger is set to 15 second integration and you aquire 1.5 minutes of data–or 6 intervals–that “Total Usage (channel 5)” will not include the final 2 recorded data points.)
When I am monitoring a load that requires more than one channel (such as a 3 Phase – 3 Wire Delta load) which channel shows my totals in my ELOG™ software?
When using more than one channel for one load, the results from each channel need to be added together to obtain the total power consumption. This is done using the computed channels 5 and 6.
Where can I get a copy of the DENT software that I need?
Software for all DENT products can be downloaded from the Software Downloads page on the DENT website. If you need help installing or troubleshooting software, please contact DENT Support.
Which operating systems are ELOG, SMARTware and ViewPoint compatible with?
ELOG, SMARTware, and ViewPoint are all compatible with Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7. ELOG 2009 and newer, SMARTware 11 and newer, and ViewPoint are all compatible with Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit), and Windows XP. ELOG 12 and newer, SMARTware 11, and ViewPoint v2.24 and newer are also compatible with Windows 8.
Software Downloads
Misplaced the software disk or upgraded your computer? Download a current version of DENT software for your power meter or data logger here.
Technical Documents
Visit DENT’s comprehensive online library of DENT’s technical content including product manuals, specification sheets, special application information, and more.