DENT Instruments, a global leader in the design and manufacture of power and energy measurement instruments, announced that the PowerScout 24 meter is now available as an Ethernet device.

The PowerScout 24 Ethernet communicates using Modbus TCP or BACnet IP over Ethernet instead of an RS-485 connection. Ethernet networks have several advantages over RS-485 networks including faster meter response times, improved remote access, and the ability to support more PowerScout devices on a single network. Additionally, the ability to use existing Ethernet infrastructure means there is no need to install a separate network. Christopher Dent, President of DENT Instruments said, “We are very excited about the addition of Ethernet capability to the multi-channel PowerScout 24. This optional feature enhances the capabilities of the PowerScout 24 and we are certain that clients will find the Ethernet communications helpful when adding the meter to their existing network. The PowerScout 24 offers the lowest-cost per meter point versus comparable industrial multi-channel power meters. The modular design of the PowerScout 24 allows it to be configured for monitoring multiple electrical circuits or for current-only monitoring of branch circuits. There are virtually no restrictions in “mixing & matching” current transformers on the PowerScout 24 and any combination of CTs can be used. DENT Instruments is a leading supplier of an array of precision measurement instrumentation and analytical software in the field of energy management.