Frequently Asked Questions
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General FAQs
PowerScout™ Series
RoCoil TCA-5
DATApro (discontinued)
Software & Communications
RoCoil TCA-5 FAQs
Can the TCA-5 be used with 333mV current sensors?
The TCA-5 includes a 90 degree phase shifter. It can only be used with 333mV sensors to report current, NOT POWER.
Does output clipping damage the unit?
No, clipping the output signal does not harm the TCA-5.
How can I tell if the amplifier is clipping?
The voltage across the output terminals is above 250mV RMS. Correct this by using a larger wire gauge or moving the TCA-5 closer to the meter.
I had the 50Hz selector on by mistake. Is my collected data any good?
Yes, the phase angle will be reported 0.6 degrees higher than actual, which is also about 0.6% low for a PF of 0.866.
Is there a 24 volt version?
Not at this time.
Is there a single phase version?
The TCA-5 can be used on single-phase circuits, however there is currently no “1 channel model.”
Is there any configuration that can cause the TCA-5 to fail?
Yes. For example, over-ranging the TCA-5 on any single channel can burn it out. Ensure that the TCA-5 is not delivering more than 5 Amps RMS.
Why does the TCA-5 run so hot?
Each channel dissipates approximately 5 watts of heat at full power.
Why is the TCA-5 limited to 4.5 Amps RMS on 3 single-phase loads?
The TCA-5 has a peak internal current of 19 amps.
Software Downloads
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